Bulletin Oekraïne Actie 14: Voor deze mensen doet u het!

De verhalen van Oekraïners die middenin het oorlogsgeweld moeten leven zijn even schrijnend als indrukwekkend, maar dankzij uw steun heeft het JHF via verschillende organisaties velen van hen kunnen helpen. We verzamelden een serie portretten van mensen die het zwaar hebben, maar ondanks alles dankbaar zijn.

Life Changer


Matvey Arseniy from Chernivtsi


Matvey (15) moest dringend zijn keelamandelen laten verwijderen en zijn familie kon niets voor hem doen. Life Changer betaalde de operatie, uitgevoerd in een van de beste ziekenhuizen van Chernivtsi, en de nodige medicijnen. Een enorme opluchting. Zijn moeder stuurde Life Changer dit bericht:


Dear Life Changer team! Thank you very much for accompanying our family and always helping to solve difficult life situations. This time, thanks to the coordinated work of the foundation's team, an extremely necessary operation to remove the tonsils of our eldest son has been taken place in the best clinic in the city, and on the same day he received the necessary medications. Special thanks to your coordinator in Chernivtsi, Vera Bozhko, who responds instantly to all our requests and organizes the necessary assistance in the best way. It is an incredible happiness to have such strong support!


Familie Bessonova-Bujurak uit Mykolayiv

Bessonova Bujurak

Elena Viktorovna Bessonova, haar man en twee kinderen Alexey Bujurak (10) en Misha Bujurak (6) hadden tot 24 februari een doodnormaal leven met werk, school en sport. Door de oorlog belandden ze in een nachtmerrie, maar de hulp van Life Changer is hartverwarmend: support, eten, medicatie en zelfs drinkwater.


A lot of our friends left the city, but we stayed because my eldest son Sergey is here, he is 28 years old and a marine who protects our city. My daughter-in-law and my grandson Dima (who is only 6 years old!) are here too. We chose to stay, but we live in constant fear for our relatives. It is difficult for us now, but the Mykolayiv Jewish community and Life Changer project provide us with great help and support! We get food, medication and even drinking water, which was unavailable for three weeks, due to damage to the water supply as a result of the war actions. For every Shabbat we get fresh, delicious challahs, on Passover we got a wonderful festive set for celebrating the holiday! The kids loved it and so did we. This help is simply invaluable for us, we are very grateful to you all for your help and support to us, our children, in such a difficult wartime!!! Thank you so much for your help and care! Peace to all of us!


Zakharchenko Dmytro (17) uit Kiev

Zakharchenko Dmytro Kyiv

De jonge, zeer intelligente Dmytro Zakharchenko heeft ernstige diabetes en is afhankelijk van insuline. Met het uitbreken van de oorlog verdwenen de teststrips - een primaire levensbehoefte voor Dmytro - uit de apotheken. Life Changer ondernam onmiddellijk actie en regelt nu maandelijks de teststrips voor hem. Ook staat het team 24/7 voor hem klaar voor als het nodig is. Hij is Life Changer enorm dankbaar!


Mitzvah 613


Finayev Vladimir uit Bila Tserkva

Finayev Vladimir

 Afghaanse oorlogsveteraan Finayev Vladimir (1957) is erg ziek en het leek verkeerd met hem af te lopen. Maar met steun van Mitsvah 613 via het JHF krijgt hij nu zijn medicatie. Zijn vrouw vertelt: 


Finayev fell ill with pneumonia, which developed into Covid. He was hospitalized at the Bila Tserkva Infectious Diseases Hospital, but unfortunately there was no result of the treatment. He ended up in intensive care and was transferred to Kyiv, where he was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus where his health went further downhill.


The family has already spent about 200,000 hryvnias (about 6.500 euros) on Vladimir's treatment. Various Jewish organizations, such as Chabad and Mitzvah 613 helped with funds. He is in dire need of a drug which costs 27.822.96 hryvnia (about 900 euros) every three months. With the generous support of the JHF, the medication has been provided! Thank you so much!


Familie Poyezd uit Tsjernihiv

Poyezd Katia

Katya (13) hielp haar moeder Anna, die verpleegkundige is, bij het verzorgen van gewonde soldaten. Ze zagen de vreselijkste dingen en hadden nauwelijks tijd voor zichzelf. De Joodse gemeenschap zorgde voor eten zodat zij zich konden focussen op het werk. En nu ze veilig zijn is er ook psychologische hulp.


Katya (13) lived in the relatively small city of Pryluky in Chernihiv Region with her mom Anna. The city is not far from the border with Belarus and Russia. When the war began, they were literally the first line to keep the Russian troops from going towards the center of the country and they suffered from missile attacks from two sides.


Anna’s job as a nurse led her to the decision not to leave the country but to save people’s lives. Anna helped the territorial defense unit showing the willpower and strength of Ukrainian women. Katya stood beside her mother and helped her much more than you could expect from a child.


The region suffered from numerous missile attacks, some of the villages and cities were occupied by Russians. With all the check points (?) on the way, one of the main challenges was food provision to these territories. The Jewish communities of Chernihiv and Kyiv did the impossible by arranging and planning logistic solutions and regularly supplying the family with food. No words can describe Anna’s and Katya’s gratitude. There are so many things Anna must take care of, and she is so relieved she does not need to think about how to feed her family now.


Anna and Katya are safe now. However, they lived too close to war horrors and need much time to recover psychologically. They receive regular help and support from the The Mitzvah fund. They understand how vulnerable a young mind and soul can be and work hard to minimize the results of stress Katya had. “We do believe Katya’s youth will cherish soon again!”


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